Tonya Symons at GuardRailz AI

Tonya Symons at GuardRailz AIEmbracing the Future of Education with GuardRailz AI: My Externship Journey

As an educator, continually finding innovative ways to engage students and prepare them for the future is paramount. This summer, I had the incredible opportunity to join GuardRailz AI through the 2024 Idaho STEM Action Center’s Idaho Educator STEM Summer Externship. Halfway through my externship hours, I am thrilled to share my experiences and the exciting insights I’ve gained.

Week One: On-boarding and Hands-on Training
The first week was packed with on-boarding sessions and hands-on training that familiarized me with the GuardRailz AI Platform. I learned to create educational chatterbots designed to assist teachers, facilitate student learning, offer tutoring, and provide assessments. The level of customization available ensures that these bots can cater to any educational need.

Engaging Educational Tools
Some of my favorite projects included chatterbots aimed at improving reading comprehension and a fun assistant bot for teachers that incorporated a Star Wars Jedi theme. These tools not only engage students but also make learning interactive and enjoyable.

Supportive and Innovative Environment
GuardRailz AI stands out not just for its technological prowess but for its commitment to the educational sector. The team is incredibly supportive, friendly, and deeply invested in leveraging technology to enhance education. This externship is not only boosting my professional growth but also promising significant benefits for the broader educational community.

Ensuring a Safe and Secure Educational Experience
GuardRailz is dedicated to providing a safe and secure learning environment. Their AI research tool filters and analyzes content based on age and grade level, ensuring that students access trustworthy and relevant resources. With proprietary AI technology, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT, GuardRailz offers a personalized experience while prioritizing user safety and privacy.

A Vision for the Future
The mission of GuardRailz is to foster a secure and engaging communication platform for learners of all ages. By prioritizing safety, accessibility, and parental control features, GuardRailz is transforming the educational landscape, making learning more inclusive and inspiring.

I’m looking forward to the upcoming weeks and cannot wait to integrate these real-world STEM experiences into my classroom.