STEM Diploma
Little known legislation that could be critical for Idaho’s future economic prosperity
In 2020, there were over 2,000 new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) jobs in Idaho each month – jobs that, on average, pay twice what non-STEM jobs do. Employment in STEM fields in Idaho is highly diverse and includes high tech, healthcare, agriculture, advanced manufacturing, natural resource management, and broadcast media, to name a few. Employers need team members who are critical thinkers, creative problem solvers and skilled collaborators in order to be able to thrive in a constantly changing business environment. Building on children’s natural curiosity, educators are working to help their students develop these skills as early as preschool. Ultimately, students who continue to pursue STEM in high school can receive special recognition by earning Idaho’s STEM diploma.
Signed into law in 2018, IC 33-523 seeks to address industry needs while honoring graduating seniors who have pursued more rigorous STEM coursework. In an effort to raise awareness of the STEM diploma and encourage more schools to participate, Idaho STEM Action Center is working with industry partners, post-secondary institutions, and other state agencies throughout Idaho. Giving students the opportunity to earn a STEM Diploma not only affords them a competitive advantage, but also provides industry and higher education with important information regarding a student’s qualifications that can impact his/her placement and potential career path. Additionally, doing so will help to fill the STEM career pipeline with skilled young people, support our state’s continued economic prosperity, and ensure that Idaho’s youth can find challenging, rewarding and lucrative employment right here in the Gem State.
STEM Diploma Seals (not required by the state) are free to public schools. To order, please contact

Eligibility: Any student who will graduate in the 2024-2025 academic year and meet the course requirements for an Idaho STEM Diploma is eligible to receive the STEM Diploma. These diplomas are offered by school districts or LEAs, so no application with Idaho STEM Action Center is required.
- Over 2,000 new STEM jobs a month in Idaho in 2020
- STEM jobs pay twice what non-STEM jobs do
- In Ten years, 80% of all jobs in Idaho will require STEM skills
Eligible Students
2018-19 school year
1458 students from
62 districts and charters
2019-20 school year
2440 students from
100 districts and charters
2020-21 school year
2297 students from
88 districts and charters
2021-22 school year
2527 students from
87 districts and charters