Official Government Website

Public Records Requests

Submit a Public Records Request by submitting the form below.

  • (Records will be sent here if an electronic copy is determined to be infeasible.)
  • Idaho Code §74-102

    In submitting this form, I certify the disclosed information will not be used for commercial use or used for any illegal purposes. Use of ANY list as a mailing list or telephone list is PROHIBITED by Idaho Code §74-120 and punishable by a civil penalty up to $1,000.

    Within 3 business days, the STEM Action Center will either:

    1. Provide the requester the information requested
    2. Acknowledge receipt of your request and indicate that a longer period of time is needed to locate or retrieve the records, but provide them to you no later than ten (10) working days following your request
    3. Deny your request for cause

    If you have any questions, please contact:
    Stephanie Lee, Operations Officer


A public records request is a request made under the Idaho Public Records Law (Idaho Code §74-102, et. seq.) by a member of the public, to include other government agencies, in order to examine or copy records maintained by the Idaho STEM Action Center.

A public record is any record, regardless of format, created or received by the Idaho STEM Action Center.

Please download and read the policy:

Public Records Request Policy

ver: 3.5.2a | last updated: