Marilyn Gibson at High Country Concrete

Marilyn Gibson at High Country ConcreteThis summer I had the opportunity to work with High Country Concrete. The homebase for the company is in McCammon, Idaho. I learned of the company in our small town through word of mouth and also Social Media. They volunteered to do the concrete work for a pavilion that our PTO is proposing to build at our school, and this was my first interaction with the owners of High Country Concrete. They specialize in flatwork concrete. As I began my externship, I watched to learn more about the work being done. I learned about preparing the ground, setting forms, and finishing the surface. As I became familiar with the processes, I helped to measure job sites and set up forms for the work to be done on different jobs. I sat and learned from the owners as they bid jobs and ordered supplies. Soon, I was able to help call for cement and talk to different vendors on supplies. I also talked with the builders to coordinate dates and expectations.

Everything that I learned during my externship, I will be able to use in the classroom. I will be able to introduce basic concepts of engineering and design through activities like building structures with blocks or designing bridges to hold weight. I can bring real-world examples of measurement and estimation, showing how math is used in everyday jobs. Working in construction, I experienced how important teamwork and communication are for success. I will share stories with my students on how different workers on the job site had specific roles and responsibilities but needed to work together towards a common goal. This will help my students work in teams to solve problems or complete projects. I have asked High Country Concrete if they would come to my class to teach a small lesson on concrete and possibly help students to build some small walking pavers for our school year. This will incorporate STEM and we will discuss this as a group.

Finally, my externship sparked my interest in construction, engineering, and design. Sharing my experiences can introduce others to different career paths and inspire them to explore their own interests and passions. By connecting my externship experiences to classroom learning, I will not only enrich my own understanding but also inspire students to see how the skills and knowledge they gain in school can be applied in the real world.