Lily Rasmussen at E Street Community Center

Lily Rasmussen at E Street Community CenterThis summer, I had a great growing experience at E Street Community Center, where I witnessed children embracing emergent learning to take charge of their education. This philosophy empowered them to explore their interests deeply, whether through science experiments, art creation, or literature exploration. The center’s commitment to nurturing curiosity and self-directed learning was evident in every interaction, shaping a dynamic educational environment.

During my time at E Street, I also forged meaningful connections with community leaders such as the library tech program and Fish and Game department. These collaborations highlighted the importance of community engagement in enriching educational experiences. Inspired by these connections and the principles of emergent learning, I am eager to integrate these insights into my teaching practice. By fostering a classroom environment where students are encouraged to explore and discover their passions, I aim to empower them to take ownership of their learning journey and cultivate a lifelong love for learning.