Official Government Website

Computer Science Curricular Resource Grant


To give every student access to robust computer science education by the conclusion of the four year CS plan. To support Legislative Statue Computer Science Initiative for Public Schools (33-1633).

To be eligible:

A district must submit a 4-year plan. It 4-year plan must show how a school district will meet the computer science standards at all levels by the end of the 4 years. Grant request amount can cover no more than 75% of the cost of implementation of the plan. The does not need to cover all costs but can focus on one area (i.e. K-5 curriculum, 6-8 Computer Science Professional Development, etc.). If grant is awarded, LEA’s will receive 25% of their original grant to support sustainability of the plan as funding allows for up to the next 3 years upon submission of annual plan update.

Local Education Agencies (LEA) shall submit a written 4-year computer science plan that Aligns with the  Idaho Computing Technology K-12 CS State Plan and the Idaho Content Standards for Computer Science. Then in cooperation with your LEA leadership team and a representative group of all LEA stakeholders including school administrators, teacher leaders, educators, paraeducators, school board members, and parents, complete the application and submit via email to


Eligible Applicants:
Idaho public school districts.

Funding Schedule:
Open: September 1, 2024
Close: May 1, 2025
Award Dates: Ongoing

Program Manager:
Katie Bosch-Wilson

ver: 3.5.2a | last updated: