Computer Science Week/Hour of Code
- December 9th-15th, 2024
Computer Science Education Week is a yearly event the first full week of December to raise awareness of the rich educational and career opportunities available in Computer Science. - Hour of Code
Easily scaled non-profit, educator, and school-wide events which introduce and celebrate Computer Science any time of the year, but with most events taking place during Computer Science Week. - Partner with Us
Please sign up your classroom or to volunteer for an Hour of Code event.
What is #CSEdWeek?
Computer Science Education Week is a yearly event the first full week of December to raise awareness of the rich educational and career opportunities available in Computer Science.
What is #HourOfCode?
Easily scaled non-profit, educator, and school-wide events which introduce and celebrate Computer Science any time of the year, but with most events taking place during #CSEdWeek.
How do I join #CodingIdaho?
Plan and register your Hour of Code event and find local volunteers on the HourOfCode.org website. Share your event as it happens with Idaho STEM Action Center and on social media.
- Use these hashtags in your social media posts #CodingIdaho #IdahoSTEMAC #CSEdWeek #HourofCode and make sure to follow the Idaho STEM Action Centers social media accounts.
- Featured Image for sharing on Social Media
(Click on image to open and then right click on image and choose “Save image as” to download). - Sample emails, videos, stickers for your students, and more are available on the Hour Of Code website
- Create your own graphic with this image or use as your Zoom background.
(Click on image to open and then right click on image and choose “Save image as” to download.) - Idaho Hour of Code Photo Gallery from past years
Past Years
2022 Hour of Code
Supported by Idaho STEM Action Center
December 5 – 11, 2022
Computer Science Education Week is a yearly event the first full week of December to raise awareness of the rich educational and career opportunities available in Computer Science.
December 5, 2022: Gov. Little Declares December 5-11 CS Ed Week
Thanks to Idaho Digital Learning Alliance (IDLA) every Idaho student, teacher, parent, and other who completes an Hour of Code may enter a drawing to win a $50 Amazon gift card or an iPad!
There will be one (1) gift card winner chosen per category: PreK-3rd grade, 4th-6th grade, 7th-9th grade, 10th-12th grade, Teacher, Adult, and one (1) grand prize winner of an iPad chosen from all categories.
If your name is drawn, you will be asked to provide your certificate of completion verifying your “Hour of Code” from Code.org or Learning Blade.
Need an activity for Hour of Code?
- Code.org Hour of Code website
- Learning Blade: Activities with 5 days of mini-lessons, offline CS resources, and a certificate to show your students completed an Hour of Code in Learning Blade. Hour of Learning Blade website.
- Blocksmith: Need an activity for Hour of Code? Check out Idaho’s own Blocksmith and their Hour of Code activity.
MONDAY – December 5, 2022
Lt. Governor (elect) Scott Bedke coded alongside students at O’Leary Middle school in Twin Falls School District. See Photo Gallery for photos from that event.
TUESDAY – December 6, 2022
Boise Mayor Lauren McLean at Riverside Elementary coding alongside elementary students. See Photo Gallery for photos from that event.
WEDNESDAY – December 7, 2022
Learning Blade CSEdWeek Webinar included 20-Hour “Intro to Coding” course for middle schools and other CS resources.
Have you and your students participated in Hour of Code? Make sure to download and use the Certificate of Completion.
How did you engage in coding this week? Share your story on social media and use #CodingIdaho #IdahoSTEMAC #CSEdWeek
Social Media Awareness!
Use these hashtags in your social media posts:
#CodingIdaho #IdahoSTEMAC #CSEdWeek #HourofCode
Follow the Idaho STEM Action Centers social media accounts:
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube
Certificate of Achievement/Completion
The Idaho STEM Action Center will recognize students who demonstrate exemplary dedication to computer science learning by awarding them a Certificate of Completion for completing 10 hours of computer science and coding activities during national Computer Science Education Week December 5-11.
Click here to download the Certificate of Completion to award to your students.
CS Education Week News
2021 Hour of Code Training & Events
Supported by Idaho STEM Action Center
MONDAY – December 6th
Governor Little Declares December 6-12 Computer Science Education Week
Micron’s online Hour of Code Events
There were two online sessions:
10-11:15am MT & 1:15-2:30 MT
TUESDAY – December 7th
Need an activity for Hour of Code? Check out Idaho’s own Blocksmith and their Hour of Code activity, Bot is sus?!
Grades 2-8 | JavaScript | Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari
Lasers, traps and marvelous mazes! Help Bot0 escape before she gets ejected! Bot0 is a friendly, harmless helper robot. Or is she? Her teammates believe otherwise. Program Bot0 to make her way through the underbelly of the space ship and escape before they find her.
FRIDAY – December 10th
Teachers at Potlatch Elementary are coding alongside engineers from Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories and participating in Hour of Code to celebrate the importance of computer science education. Read about ‘Hour of Code’ for Potlatch Elementary here.
Great activities to engage younger students in Hour of Code at code.org/learn:
- Dragon Blast (Grades 2-5)
- Puppy Adventure (Grades 2-5)
- Dance Party (Grades 2+)
- AI for Oceans (Grades 3+)
Have you and your students participated in Hour of Code? Make sure to download and use the Certificate of Completion.
How did you engage in coding this week? Share your story on social media and use #CodingIdaho #STEMAC #CSEdWeek #HourofCode
Social Media Awareness!
Use these hashtags in your social media posts:
#CodingIdaho #IdahoSTEMAC #CSEdWeek #HourofCode
Follow the Idaho STEM Action Centers social media accounts:
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube
Certificate of Achievement/Completion
The Idaho STEM Action Center will recognize students who demonstrate exemplary dedication to computer science learning by awarding them a Certificate of Completion for completing 10 hours of computer science and coding activities during national Computer Science Education Week December 6-10.
Click here to download the Certificate of Completion to award to your students.
CS Education Week News
Governor Little Does a Virtual Hour of Code 2020
Thank you for entering our social media contest during #CSEdWeek! Here are our prize winners:
• Alaniss Pierre
• Becca Stroebel Kabasa
• Cody Call (Syringa Middle)
• Kelsey Wells
• Keri Rae Boyle
• Lisa Vertrees
• Mandi May
• Molly Mills
• Wade Dorrell
• Yvonne Stace
Each winner will receive a Raspberry Pi to help their coding journey! For more information visit Raspberry Pi.
Computer Science Education Week 2020
Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) was Dec. 7-13. The event is an annual, global program dedicated to inspiring students to take interest in computer science often by coding. Idaho Gov. Brad Little proclaims Dec. 7-13 Idaho Computer Science Education Week here in the Gem State (video).
It is a great time for anyone age 4 to 104 to try at least one hour of computer science activities, and we want you and your students to participate in Hour of Code (HOC) or some type of CS activity!
PARTICIPATE in CS Education Week by:
- CODE ALONG with STEMazing guests across our state, such as IDAHO GOV. BRAD LITTLE, former NASA Astronaut STEVE SWANSON, and our new interim executive director, DR. KAITLIN MAGUIRE!
Idaho Gov. Brad Little, former NASA astronaut Steve Swanson, STEM A.C. interim executive director Dr. Kaitlin Maguire - CODE WITH A GAME DESIGNER! CODE WITH A GAME DESIGNER! Idaho-based Blocksmith created “Don’t Yeet the Yeti,” a fun Hour of Code activity for beginners.
Students learn how to edit and create conditional statements, and then they complete an unfinished game by adding JavaScript code to rescue a yeti and their friends! If the code doesn’t work, the yeti will be yeeted, i.e., tossed from the game. Game creators will lead an hour-long session of “Don’t Yeet the Yeti” with students. Visit https://www.blocksmithxr.com/blog/hourofcode to check out their game.
- JOIN OUR CONTEST! Hour of Code, which coincides with CS Ed Week, is a super-easy way to spend just one hour learning how fun and easy coding can be. Reach out to your friends and family and spend an hour coding together.
Here’s how:
- Like or follow us on Facebook (@IdahoSTEMAC) or Instagram (IdahoSTEMAC)
- Participate in Hour of Code by doing some type of CS activity of your choice.
- Snap a picture of your Certification of Completion (if you complete a module at org) or a picture of how you participated in Hour of Code (if it is another way, such as Idaho Codes, CS Unplugged activities, etc.)
- Post it to Facebook or Instagram with the three hashtags; #CodingIdaho, #IdahoSTEMAC and #CSEdWeek to be entered into our drawings for cool prizes!
* You will automatically be entered for our drawings for various prizes if you follow steps a-d. At the end of CS Ed Week, we will pick several winners.
- HOST AN HOUR OF CODE with your students! Participate by trying one of the many, many modules on Code.org’s website. There are modules for beginners, intermediate and advanced users!
- Want more CS instruction? Register for our Idaho Codes program. Idaho students in grades 7-12 can learn Web development at home. Idaho Codes is an online, self-paced, 120-hour computer science program that teaches students the foundational skills of building websites and developing apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Need more ideas? We have ADDITIONAL CS RESOURCES. Please visit https://stem.idaho.gov/resources for more resources.
Gov. Little, Hour of Code

Monday, Dec. 7, 2020
Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2020
- Video: Idaho STEM Action Center Interim Executive Director Dr. Kaitlin Maguire
- Activity: Dance Party, Code.org
Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020
- Video: Former NASA Astronaut and BSU Professor Steve Swanson
- Activity: Space Adventure, CodeMonkey
Thursday Dec. 10, 2020
- Video: Blocksmith VR “Don’t Yeet the Yeti” game creators
- Activity: Don’t Yeet the Yeti, Blocksmith VR
- How to Access Instructions
KTVB STEM Computer Science Week Videos
- STEM in Idaho: Coding
- STEM in Idaho: Technology in Media
- STEM in Idaho: Job Growth
- STEM in Idaho: Expansion of Computer Science
- STEM in Idaho: STEM Workforce
KIFI STEM Computer Science Week Video
The Idaho STEM Action Center and Ms. Betsy Bearden awarded the Bearden Award for Women in Computer Science to four student coders who completed outstanding Idaho Codes projects. These young women coders spanned the state, attending this virtual award presentation from Jerome, Coeur d’Alene, Boise and Meridian where Ms. Betsy Bearden recognized the students with a cash award of $250 each and encouraged them to continue their pursuit of critical computer science skills. What’s next for these young women? They will be leading younger students in their early coding engagements for Hour of Code in December during Computer Science Education Week as classroom mentors.
Congratulations to MaeLynne (Jerome), Grace (Coeur d’Alene), Kailyssa (Boise), and Tori (Meridian), you all have a bright future in STEM!
“Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.” – Steve Jobs