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i-STEM 2025 Strand Instructors Needed!

Opportunity Goals and Objectives: To empower Idaho educators to gain STEM content knowledge, pedagogical skills, and build local communities of learning to increase student excitement for and interest in STEM.

Want to share your STEMazing knowledge with Idaho educators? Apply to be a strand instructor at i-STEM 2025! We are looking for passionate leaders to teach 4-day strands (workshops) at the i-STEM institutes. Institutes take place the last two weeks of June at six locations across the state. The application will be open November 1 through December 6, 2024.

What is i-STEM? i-STEM is a summer professional development opportunity for formal and informal Idaho educators. During four days, participants attend a strand, participate in general sessions, hear from keynote speakers and network with their peers. Strand instruction is focused on hands-on, project-based learning with content that focuses on local topics of interest. Each participant receives a kit of instructional material so that they can implement what they have learned in their teaching environments.

How to apply to be a strand instructor:

  • Create an account in STEM AC’s Community Grants Portal
  • Fill out the i-STEM 2025 Strand Provider application. Make sure to download the budget template, fill it in with your estimated kit materials, and upload to your application. Also download the strand agenda template, fill it in, and upload to your application.
  • Applications will be reviewed December 7, 2024 through December 19, 2024.
  • If accepted, confirm your participation by December 20, 2024.


2025 Theme will be announced soon!


Max funding per award: If instructor(s) is a public formal or informal Idaho educator – lead instructors will receive a $2000 stipend and financial support to create a kit for materials and to support your strand. NOTE: Strand providers DO NOT have to be Idaho educators. If you represent a vendor, industry or other organization, please contact to learn more.

STATUS: Closed

Strand Provider Training:
(Hybrid option will be available, but in person is highly recommended.)

Award Notification

Open: November 1, 2024
Close: December 6, 2024
Notification: December 20, 2024


i-STEM Institute Locations:

College of Western Idaho

College of Eastern Idaho

College of Southern Idaho

North Idaho College

Lewis-Clark State College

Idaho State University

Questions? Email

Program Partners: i-STEM summer institutes take place at North Idaho College, Lewis Clark State College, Idaho State University, College of Eastern Idaho, College of Southern Idaho and College of Western Idaho.

Being an i-STEM strand instructor involves:

  1. Provide 24 hours of instruction time across 4 days. Strand instruction should be hands-on, project-based and tie to real world applications.
  2. Develop a kit of materials for participants so they can implement what you have taught them into their own teaching environments.
  3. You are encouraged to plan a field trip to a local business or industry partner to demonstrate the real world applicability of your strand content.
  4. Attend the training day and follow up training conference calls (Dates TBA).
  5. Review participant applications.
  6. Provide a final report and receipts.

Training and conference call dates will be determined soon!

Check back for registration and additional information about the training.

i-STEM Strand Instructors Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be an Idaho educator to be a strand instructor?

No, you do not have to be an Idaho educator. If you are from industry or representing a vendor, we invite you to be part of i-STEM; however, we will not provide funding for instructor stipends and kits. Please email if you are a non-Idaho educator and want to lead a strand.

Will I be compensated for my time?

Yes, lead strand instructors that are Idaho public formal or informal educators receive a $2,000 stipend, travel reimbursements and substitute costs for the training day, and travel reimbursements to i-STEM. If you represent a vendor, industry, or another for-profit organization, you will not be compensated for your time.

Can I have an assistant?

Yes, we encourage strand instructors to have an assistant. Strand assistants that are Idaho public formal and informal educators receive a $750 stipend.

How do I purchase materials for the kits?

Lead strand instructors will get a pre-loaded purchasing card that can be used to purchase items for kits. Strand providers can also create an Amazon wish list and the items can be purchased for you instead of a purchasing card. Strand providers must keep track of purchases and turn in receipts after the institute. Strand providers are also responsible for delivery of kits to the institute.

Can I spend more than $300 per participant on kit materials and field trip costs?

STEM AC provides $300 per participant for each strand. We encourage strand instructors to find sponsors for their strand to support kit materials and provide in-kind time of speakers, tours, or field trips. STEM AC will match 50% (up to $5,000) of a donation to your strand.

How many participants are in each strand? Are participants K-12 educators?

There are up to 15 participants in each strand. Participants can be formal K-12 educators and administrators or informal educators such librarians, museum educators, after school educators. Participants will apply to attend strands in February.

i-STEM Strand Instructors Frequently Asked Questions

Interested in sponsoring i-STEM by supporting a workshop, being a regional sponsor or adopting a teacher?

i-STEM 2019 Sponsorship

What is i-STEM?

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